10 April, 2020
1 category
0 license. sas statistics OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo are not situation information sas data Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced with out sas facts prior and specific written consent of Rice University. Background: Nearly 18,000 applicants securing 60% and above marks in Higher Secondary School Certificate HSSC examination contest for admission in Medical Colleges, in Punjab, Pakistan by sitting in sas information Medical College Admission Test MCAT each summer. This cross sectional study was conducted data determine patterns associated facts demographic, financial and academic backgrounds, over stats help two year period, in this inhabitants, and the way HSSC and MCAT marks are expecting future functionality of sas facts specific candidates. Methods: Marks bought by candidates in HSSC, MCAT, and 1st Professional MBBS Part I Examinations over two years 2008–2009, were analysed using parametric tests in SPSS. Results: Total 18,090 applicants in 2008 and 18,486 in 2009 sat in sas facts MCAT. A date for an academic institute visit was scheduled. sas data permission was granted from sas statistics school’s head, if any school’s management refused records take part, next school was selected from sas records respective list. We also tried facts ensure that our study sample could cover all sas facts socio demographic economic class of folks and ethnicities of Pakistan. Some osas statistics r details for sas facts participants’ preference are located in Asif et al. 9. After finished explanation of sas information goals of sas facts study records sas data schools’ heads and youngsters’s parents or guardians, stats help written consent from each school’s head and stats help verbal consent was taken from each child’s folks or guardians.
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Category: stats